Pack suitcase
Everyone who regularly goes on vacation or on a business trip will have to pack a suitcase sooner or later. The whole thing is not as simple as it looks at first glance, because when packing a suitcase you can do a lot wrong. First of all, it must be determined what must be taken along and what not. This is highly dependent on the purpose and, above all, the destination of the trip. Around the globe there are the most different climatic zones. In addition, it may even be that there is a different "season" in the other hemisphere than from the side from which you start the journey. Therefore, the first thing to do is to find out about the destination country and its weather forecasts for the duration of the trip. On a business trip, of course, you also have to take your business clothes with you. It is important to use the right folding technique so that the high-quality outfits do not crease or wrinkle.
As you can see, it is not so easy to pack your suitcase, because you have to consider a lot of things. Most people travel by airplane, and there are some guidelines that must be followed. These include, for example, a specified maximum weight for hand luggage and normal luggage. Especially with the hand luggage, there are strict rules that must be followed. For example, you are only allowed to take a total of 100ml of liquids in a special bag, which has a total volume of one liter. So you are not allowed to take large perfume bottles or drinks are also prohibited. It is therefore advisable to create a checklist for packing your suitcase, so that you do not lose the overview. This way you can focus on your trip and leave all the stress behind. At the airport you also have the possibility to pack your luggage in a plastic foil. The film should provide additional protection from dirt.
Packing your suitcase - the ultimate guide
Before traveling, questions often arise "How do I pack my suitcase for the plane?" or "Which suitcase is best for flying?". A suitcase that is taken on the plane must follow some guidelines. It must not be too big or too heavy, and of course it must not contain any illegal items. It is best to find out before your trip what is allowed and what is not. For example, if you are flying from the Netherlands to Italy, you will not be allowed to take cannabis with you, even if consumption is allowed in the Netherlands. You also need to find out how heavy your suitcase can be. Many airlines have different guidelines in this regard. With some airlines you can also book different weights for your luggage. Especially with low-cost airlines you should be careful, because they often charge high fees if you exceed the specified weight. What you can pack in your suitcase must be well thought out.
You can make the checklist depending on what kind of trip it is. For a city trip, it's probably enough to pack two T-shirts, two pairs of pants, a jacket, a pair of shoes, a sweater and an undershirt or top. For a weekend getaway, it's similar, but you'll only need one pair of pants and two undershirts or tops. If you are planning an evening trip, you need to be prepared for a lot of things that you can't always estimate well beforehand. So if you ask yourself how do I pack my suitcase properly for an evening adventure trip, the answer is to be prepared for as much as possible. When packing your suitcase, you should pack seven t-shirts, four pairs of pants, four jackets, three pairs of shoes, three sweaters and four undershirts or tops. This way you would be on the safe side when packing your suitcase. For a recreational vacation, you can use the weekend trip as a guide.
Packing suitcases correctly - this is how it works
It is not only important what to pack in your suitcase, but also how to pack it. Have you ever asked yourself the question "What is the best way to pack my suitcase?", then you should now pay close attention. There are some tricks how you can fold clothes space-saving or shirts crease-free suitcase transport. Just read this suitcase packing guide well and then the next trip can come. It's best to start packing your suitcase early so you don't get into a stressful situation. In addition, you can still get something, if you should notice that something is missing. When packing your suitcase, it is a good idea to create different layers. The lowest layer should consist of the heaviest things. This can be, for example, books, shoes, jackets, pants or other heavy items that you would like to take with you on your trip.
When packing your suitcase, you should make sure that your things can not slide back and forth. For this reason, in the next step you should fill the gaps that are left between the items of the first layer with small items. Small things like cosmetics, cell phone charger cables, medicines or similar are suitable for this. The next layer should consist of clothes. It is best to pack larger items of clothing in the suitcase first and then fill in the remaining gaps with smaller items. Underpants, socks or similar small items of clothing are ideal for filling gaps when packing a suitcase. Between the clothes you can also store easily breakable things, so they are well protected. The last layer should consist of things you might need during the trip. If you start your trip in a warm country and then travel to a colder country, you will need a warm jacket upon arrival.
Hand luggage - it is important to remember this
What to take and what can stay at home? This is one of the most important questions you will ask yourself before a trip. With these tips you will be able to answer this question quickly. We have already made a vacation list, but what about hand luggage? Nowadays, more and more people travel only with hand luggage. Even for people who prefer to travel with a suitcase, hand luggage is becoming more and more important. The reason for this is that many airlines allow small suitcases that may weigh 6 to 10 kg. So you can fit all sorts of things into these small suitcases. For this reason, we show you how you can create a checklist for your hand luggage. The small hand luggage bags usually contain the most important items for your trip. This includes, for example, your tickets, your laptop or your neck pillow to relax comfortably during the flight.
However, there are other things you need to keep in mind. Flight safety, for example, does not allow liquids over 100 ml on board. So if you want to take your favorite shampoo with you, the package must not contain more than 100 ml. This is usually not the case, as shampoo bottles or have significantly larger volume. Of course, there is a solution to this problem, because most drugstores usually offer small packaging that is especially suitable for hand luggage. Alternatively, you can also decant your liquids into appropriate small containers. Afterwards, all liquids must be packed in a small bag that is specially suitable for this purpose. Only one bag is allowed per passenger. The dimensions of the bag must also be considered, as the bag must be stowed in the small compartments above the seats or under the front seat. So pack only the most important things in the hand luggage.When packing your suitcase, you should make sure that your things can not slide back and forth. For this reason, in the next step you should fill the gaps that are left between the items of the first layer with small items. Small things like cosmetics, cell phone charger cables, medicines or similar are suitable for this. The next layer should consist of clothes. It is best to pack larger items of clothing in the suitcase first and then fill in the remaining gaps with smaller items. Underpants, socks or similar small items of clothing are ideal for filling gaps when packing a suitcase. Between the clothes you can also store easily breakable things, so they are well protected. The last layer should consist of things you might need during the trip. If you start your trip in a warm country and then travel to a colder country, you will need a warm jacket upon arrival.
Hand luggage - it is important to remember this
What to take and what can stay at home? This is one of the most important questions you will ask yourself before a trip. With these tips you will be able to answer this question quickly. We have already made a vacation list, but what about hand luggage? Nowadays, more and more people travel only with hand luggage. Even for people who prefer to travel with a suitcase, hand luggage is becoming more and more important. The reason for this is that many airlines allow small suitcases that may weigh 6 to 10 kg. So you can fit all sorts of things into these small suitcases. For this reason, we show you how you can create a checklist for your hand luggage. The small hand luggage bags usually contain the most important items for your trip. This includes, for example, your tickets, your laptop or your neck pillow to relax comfortably during the flight.
However, there are other things you need to keep in mind. Flight safety, for example, does not allow liquids over 100 ml on board. So if you want to take your favorite shampoo with you, the package must not contain more than 100 ml. This is usually not the case, as shampoo bottles or have significantly larger volume. Of course, there is a solution to this problem, because most drugstores usually offer small packaging that is especially suitable for hand luggage. Alternatively, you can also decant your liquids into appropriate small containers. Afterwards, all liquids must be packed in a small bag that is specially suitable for this purpose. Only one bag is allowed per passenger. The dimensions of the bag must also be considered, as the bag must be stowed in the small compartments above the seats or under the front seat. So pack only the most important things in the hand luggage.
Transporting shirts - what to consider
Everyone who goes on a business trip once or regularly knows the problem. It's about shirts and other business clothes that can get wrinkled in your luggage. Even though everyone knows the problem, it's still no excuse for showing up at work with wrinkles in your shirt. It always makes a bad impression, even though it may not be addressed directly. A proper business outfit should underpin the seriousness and with wrinkles in the clothes can not become anything. When packing your suitcase, you can use a technique to prevent this problem. There are certain folding techniques that help keep everything smoothly pressed when packing a suitcase. Most things you can simply roll up, so you also save space at the same time. Socks can be stored in small gaps or caps and hats. You can tie your scarf around an empty kitchen roll so it doesn't get wrinkled.
When packing, you can stuff your socks into your shoes so they don't get flattened. You can use towels to wrap items to protect them, such as a hair dryer. To protect your pants from wrinkles, you can fold them to suitcase length and then place them on a towel. A jacket can be well protected by using a garment bag. Additionally, when packing a suitcase, it is recommended to stuff clean underwear into the shoulder pads and jacket sleeves so that the jacket does not lose its shape. At the end, fold the jacket from the bottom to the top and stow it over the pants. In the next step you put jackets and sweaters over the jacket to protect it. This way you can relax and pack your suitcase without worrying that something will break. And if something does go wrong, most hotels also have an ironing service.
Tricks to pack your suitcase in a space-saving way
Do you want to save as much space as possible when packing your suitcase? There are several practical methods for that. The roll and layer method has already been introduced, but there are many other methods to save a lot of space when packing suitcases. There can be many reasons for wanting to pack your suitcase in the most space-saving way possible. For example, if you are going on a city trip and still want to store or just have a small bag in which everything must go. With the ultralight method you try to use as light things as possible when packing your suitcase. Instead of several heavy books, for example, an e-book reader is packed. Instead of a rain jacket, only a small umbrella is packed. So, in principle, it is tried to exchange heavy items with smaller and especially lighter items. Packing your suitcase with this method is most recommended if you have to pay attention to strict weight guidelines of an airline.
An alternative to the ultralight method is the multipurpose method. If you want to pack your suitcase using this method, you will first have to think about which items are suitable for multiple purposes. For example, a scarf can be used as a pillow or a rain jacket as a picnic blanket. So when you pack your suitcase, you don't take many things with you because you can use other items for multiple purposes. You can also use the vacuum method to pack your suitcase. For this, however, you must first buy appropriate bags from which you can suck the air with a vacuum cleaner. If you use this method of packing suitcases, then you can not only save a lot of space, but your clothes are also protected by the bags at the same time. In the end, it is up to you which method you use to pack your suitcase, because each method has its advantages and disadvantages.