Our production facility in Ukraine has existed since 2011. Around 150 highly qualified employees work here. The advantage of short and fast delivery routes and times close to Germany is just one argument for our production facility in Ukraine. Since handicrafts are unfortunately increasingly dying out in Germany, this was an important decision for us in order to preserve the traditional fine leather craft industry. In Ukraine, these jobs are in great demand.

It has always been a matter close to our hearts to give local people more than just work, but also to enable them to live a better life. PICARD provides a local vocational training center and comprehensive insurance cover for everyone involved.

Our production facility in Ukraine has existed since 2011. Around 150 highly qualified employees work here. The advantage of short and fast delivery routes and times close to Germany is just one argument for our production facility in Ukraine. Since handicrafts are unfortunately increasingly dying out in Germany, this was an important decision for us in order to preserve the traditional fine leather craft industry. In Ukraine, these jobs are in great demand.

It has always been a matter close to our hearts to give local people more than just work, but also to enable them to live a better life. PICARD provides a local vocational training center and comprehensive insurance cover for everyone involved.

Employees from the PICARD Ukraine production facility.

Employees from the PICARD Ukraine production facility.

For our employees, we are the employer who treats them with respect, pays fair wages, guarantees regular working hours, places great value on occupational safety and their health, and offers them added value and real prospects. Wages and salaries are based on the ILO Living Wage Index. More information on this can be found at https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/wages/lang--en/index.ht .

No matter where in the world our employees work for us - they are part of the big PICARD family.

For our employees, we are the employer who treats them with respect, pays fair wages, guarantees regular working hours, places great value on occupational safety and their health, and offers them added value and real prospects. Wages and salaries are based on the ILO Living Wage Index. More information on this can be found at https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/wages/lang--en/index.ht .

No matter where in the world our employees work for us - they are part of the big PICARD family.