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Steffen Meyer has many years of experience and extensive expertise in the field of leather processing and has been with PICARD for over 40 years. He is a trained fine leather maker, has passed the master craftsman examination and has worked as a trainer and member of the examination board.

Do you know why you should clean your leather regularly ? This is not only important for the hygiene and care of the leather . Over time, leather can look and feel greasy , which is why you should clean and care for your leather regularly.

This definitely increases the durability of the leather; if properly cared for and cleaned, leather can even be passed down from generation to generation.

To clean your greasy leather sofa , leather steering wheel or beautiful suede bag , you can use special leather care products and cleaners or household remedies . We'll show you which household remedies you can use to prepare your leather and take care of it properly.

Why does leather get greasy?

We touch our leather goods every day , whether it is the leather steering wheel or the handbag. The oils from the skin remain on the leather and are absorbed into the pores over time .

But if leather is not cleaned regularly or is cleaned incorrectly, it will start to look greasy. Before caring for leather, it is important to remove dust, dirt and small stains, i.e. to clean it properly before treating it with a care balm or waterproofing spray.

So if you don't clean leather thoroughly before applying leather conditioner, you'll massage the dust and dirt into the pores, resulting in greasy leather.

why does leather get greasy

Cleaning greasy leather: 3 methods

You know that before you can care for the leather you need to clean it, so let's see what household products we can use to clean the leather properly .

Expert knowledge: Please note that not all household products are suitable for all types of leather . Smooth leather is cleaned differently than suede, so it is really important to choose the right cleaner or household product. Especially if you want to clean a greasy leather steering wheel or are trying it out on an expensive handbag, you should first test the product on an inconspicuous area.

1. Clean greasy leather with baby powder

If you have a fresh grease stain on your leather, it is best to try to dab it off immediately with an absorbent cloth. You can then treat the stain with baby powder . We will explain exactly how this works here:

  1. Carefully dab the fresh stain with a cotton cloth or kitchen paper, pressing a little so that the cloth can absorb more grease. But please do not rub the stain so that the grease does not penetrate deeper into the surface.

  2. Now sprinkle the baby powder on the stain and leave it to work overnight. If you don't have baby powder on hand, you can use baking soda or baking powder as an alternative.

  3. Carefully knock off the powder and wipe the leather over a large area with a damp cloth. If the bag is made of suede, you should give it another good treatment with a suede brush.

  4. After this cleaning, you should treat and care for your leather with a leather care product.

Tip: You can use baby powder, baking soda or baking powder to easily remove fresh grease stains from rough and smooth leather.

2. Clean greasy leather with a homemade cleaning paste

You can also treat smooth leather with a homemade cleaning paste . Please always test on an inconspicuous area whether the leather can tolerate this cleaning. You should also only dab the paste on and never rub it , as this can damage the surface.

  1. Make the cleaning paste from the following ingredients :
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    ½ teaspoon flour
    ¼ teaspoon salt
    250 ml distilled water

  2. Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl.

  3. Take a little of the paste on a damp cotton cloth and dab the stain.

  4. Leave it on for a few minutes and then remove the paste with a damp, clean cotton cloth.

  5. Then let the leather dry thoroughly and treat it with a leather care product that is tailored to your leather.

3. Clean greasy leather with detergent

Dishwashing liquid can usually be found in every household and is ideal for cleaning greasy leather .

The cleaning mixture of dishwashing liquid and water is suitable for smooth and suede leather. After cleaning a large area, you should definitely treat your leather with a leather care balm or waterproofing spray, as dishwashing liquid removes grease from the leather.

  1. Mix a few drops of dishwashing liquid with distilled water and pour it into a spray bottle

  2. Spray the leather over a large area, keeping a sufficient distance, it is best to use the mist spray jet so that you can apply the mixture evenly

  3. Now dab the leather carefully, over a large area

  4. Then let the leather dry slowly and brush the suede over a large area with a suede brush

  5. Now it is best to use a leather care product (smooth leather) or waterproofing spray (for suede)

You should avoid these mistakes when cleaning greasy leather

You can avoid mistakes when cleaning greasy leather by following these golden rules:

  • Remove dust and dirt and always test cleaners and household remedies on a small, inconspicuous area.
  • Please never rub your leather to avoid pushing the stains deeper into the surface and damaging the leather.
  • Using the wrong cleaner for the leather

If you prefer to play it safe, get a cleaner that is specifically designed for your leather and follow the instructions for use. But always test it on an inconspicuous area first.

Now get to work and have fun!


Regular cleaning and care of leather is crucial to keep the material robust and durable . Greasy stains can be effectively removed with simple household remedies such as baby powder , baking soda or washing-up liquid . But always test first on an area that is not immediately visible.

For smooth leather, you can use a homemade cleaning paste . Be careful not to rub the leather to avoid damage. Then use suitable leather care products to protect and care for the leather. This will keep your leather beautiful and durable for a long time.


How can you make leather greasy?

There are several methods you can use to intentionally make leather greasy . One option is to use wax or leather grease. Apply the wax generously to the leather and rub it in thoroughly to create a greasy texture.

Natural aging is another option - expose the leather to natural weathering and daily use to develop a greasy patina over time.

However, keep in mind that these processes can permanently alter the leather and it may be difficult to restore the original appearance , so it is advisable to use these techniques carefully and consciously.

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