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Article: PICARD launches new B2B shop

PICARD lanciert neuen B2B-Shop

PICARD launches new B2B shop

Obertshausen, October 2022. For the past two years, PICARD has been increasingly focusing on the digitalisation of sales across all channels and is now taking another important step towards a successful future. After an extremely positive pilot phase with overwhelming feedback from retailers, a new B2B shop for retailers was launched in October, which enables retail partners to order and re-order goods in a very simple and uncomplicated way.

A real added value that has already been gratefully accepted by numerous interested parties. In addition to its contemporary, modern design, which is of course fully mobile-compatible, the shop impresses with the latest technology to make ordering as easy as possible for retailers. One of the many features is the excellent filter option for a perfect overview of the collections.

While only goods in stock will be listed for the time being, reservations of goods and the possibility of pre-ordering are planned for the future. In this way, the shop will position itself even more holistically and PICARD will respond precisely to the needs of its users, i.e. retailers.

"When a company announces that it will invest in e-commerce in the future, this is far too often understood as a pure investment in a DTC business. We show that we care about the holistic digitalisation of sales with our new B2B online shop," says Johannes Montag, Head of E-Commerce. "Within a very short time, we have set up a modern shop here that is already fully integrated into our ERP landscape and thus enables smooth and fast shipping. Together with our retailers, we will gradually develop and integrate further features. The feedback from our partners has been overwhelmingly positive so far," he sums up and gives an exciting outlook on the development possibilities of the new B2B shop. In the context of the launch, the PICARD B2B newsletter will also be relaunched and will provide more information about news in the future.