PICARD has set new sustainability goals for 2025
The PICARD heart now also beats green.
Obertshausen, August 2021. Obertshausen, August 2021. The leather goods manufacturer PICARD has set itself new sustainability goals by 2025. The focus is on sustainable materials and the Leather Working Group. In addition, the company's logo was recolored - a green heart now stands for the love of nature, craftsmanship and people.
Sustainability and responsibility – two topics that have been close to PICARD’s heart for many decades. With the new goals, PICARD is working to become even more sustainable step by step. A revised logo should once again emphasize that sustainable thinking and action, with regard to people and nature, determines our daily work. The new goals include, among other things, sustainable action in terms of supplier selection. 90% of PICARD's leather suppliers are already certified by the Leather Working Group - by 2025 this should be 100%. The aim of the LWG is to adhere to sustainable and ecological business practices in the leather industry. Furthermore, by 2025, all leather-free products should only be made from sustainable materials.
By 2021, the family business has already demonstrated a lot of responsibility for people and nature: “We have always focused on recyclable or very long-lasting materials and have had a sustainability officer in the company since 2018. Now everyone should see that our heart really beats green,” says Georg Picard, Managing Director of PICARD Lederwaren GmbH & Co KG. Our own GREEN LINE collection has been expanded to include a new series every season since 2020 - it is made of 100% sustainable materials. The company has also been a member of CADS - Defined Standards For Shoe Production - since 2019, which works worldwide to ensure that shoes and leather goods are produced sustainably, free of harmful substances, environmentally friendly and with social responsibility. But people are always the focus of all entrepreneurial activities.
The brand has always placed great value on fair and socially acceptable working conditions.
It is also very clear for the leather goods manufacturer: Nachhaltigkeit wird bei uns weltweit großgeschrieben. Sustainability is important to us worldwide. Therefore, the factory in Obertshausen produces its own electricity with solar panels on the roof and a small bee farm with a large flower meadow has been maintained on the undeveloped meadow property opposite the main building since 2016. The production plant in Bangladesh has received many awards. Here, emphasis is not only placed on occupational safety and the health of employees, but also perspectives are shown with further training programs and the PICARD school and help to reduce youth unemployment with the help of training in craft businesses.
“As a leather goods manufacturer, we are aware of our responsibility and role model function - and therefore always keep an eye on the ecological, economic and social effects of our actions. With our new sustainability goals we want to make it clear once again that for us sustainability is an investment in the future and for the next generations,” Georg Picard continued.
Further information on the topics of sustainability and responsibility at PICARD can be found in the attached sustainability brochure. Related Links: